New French Silk Sets

Have you ever wanted to try stitching with silk thread? Here's your chance: Kreinik French Silk Sets, small starter assortments, at a great price, in beautiful color groups, all ready to use in cross stitch, needlepoint and embroidery.

Many think silk is delicate, expensive, and uncommon. The truth is the exact opposite. Silk is stronger than cotton or wool, it costs the same as popular overdyed cotton threads, and it has been used in needlework for centuries. It has long been a stitcher's main thread when vibrant color and lovely luster can make a design more beautiful. Plus, it feels so good to your fingers; experience the softness just once and you'll be hooked on this fiber.

Kreinik's new French Silk Sets come in color groups: blue, green, red, yellow, pink, and black. They are perfect for hand embroidery, cross stitch, petit point, punchneedle and more. The limited edition sets feature 2.5-meter skeins of a 7-strand silk, perfect for small projects. Separate the strands if needed: use two on 14-count cross stitch fabric, or four on 18-count needlepoint canvas.

For information or to purchase, contact your favorite needlework store or visit

How to make prettier pin loom projects

Pin looms have been around for decades. In fact, Doug Kreinik and his brothers used to weave little squares when they were kids (seems that fiber "art" runs deep in the Kreinik family). They have been making a comeback lately though, thanks to new and improved versions (the Zoom Loom from Schacht Spindle Company, for instance). Pin loom weaving is so popular, publishing powerhouse Interweave Press dedicates a special magazine issue to the technique each year. The 2016 issue is on newsstands now.

This magazine is a great way to start or at least get inspiration. From Interweave Press and Handwoven magazine, look for the special issue "Easy Weaving With Little Looms" on newsstands now. This fun project by Deb Essen featuring Kreinik metallic thread is in the issue, and would make a great gift.

Kreinik threads are perfect for pin loom weaving: you only need one spool to make a square, and the metallic makes any design prettier. You can use the heavier Kreinik threads by themselves, or combine any Kreinik fiber with another yarn to get more visual interest. It's a fun new world worth exploring, especially if you are bored with knitting, crochet, cross stitch or needlepoint but still want to play with fiber and use your hands.  (Photo Credit: Photograph by Joe Coca from Easy Weaving with Little Looms from Handwoven magazine. Copyright © F+W Media 2016. Used with permission.)

For more info on the issue, visit
For more info on using Kreinik threads, or purchasing a Zoom Loom, visit

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