Doug's Great Key West Summer Adventure

By Doug Kreinik

Alligators, Turtles and Porpoise. Myla and I adventured down the East Coast of the US through Florida for our summer vacation this year.  Our goal was the southern most point of the United States. We have now have traveled to the Southwestern, Northwestern and Northeastern most points in the Continental US. This trip was filled with seeing wild animals in their habit along the loop road through the Everglades (10 alligators), a sea turtle hospital in Marathon, FL (40 injured sea turtles), and the home of the 20 six-toed cats at the Ernest Hemmingway House in Key West.  We also  visited with the owner of Kermits, maker of what we felt was the best Key Lime Pie, took pictures of the actual buoy marking the southern most point in the US, and spied the "0" mileage sign for US Route 1 found in Key West.

After traveling the1224 miles to Key West, we worked our way up the coast, island hoping through Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, visiting needlework shops and eating the fare of the land.  I’ll just name a few: Low Country food in Tybee Island, Key Lime Pie, Poor Boy Oyster and shrimp from Daytona to Wilmington, fried green tomatoes in NC and Cuban Sandwiches throughout southern Florida. Found the best Thai restaurant ever in Wilmington, called Indochine.  They had the most interesting salads, entrees and dumplings along with our favorite sticky rice with mangos.

We saw sunsets, sunrises, a water spout form, and beautiful lightning hitting the ocean.  Visited friends and met many wonderful people along our 3000-mile trek.

I got to spend time at various needlework and knitting shops along the way talking about needlepoint classes, weaving, knitting and shoelaces. We were able to take some videos of the shop's owners and in one case the store mascot in Wilmington, a cute little dog. You can see the videos on the Kreinik Facebook site,

Here is a list of shops I visited on my trip. All give classes, all are located in incredibly picturesque areas and all are different with needlepoint, cross stitch or knitting.

Needlepoint Paradise Naples, FL
Bristly Thistle Amelia Island, FL
Needlepoint Junction Hilton Head, SC
Yarns of Wilmington, Needlepoint too, NC
Natasha's Needlepoint Pawley's Island, SC
Stitch in Time-Jacksonville, FL

Meet the Minis: The Useful Little Wonder Clip

Mini Wonder Clips from Clover are colorful little tools you will soon realize you need everywhere for everything. Like little plastic bobbins, safety pins, or embroidery scissors, they are handy and versatile tools. Whether you are a stitcher, sewer, knitter, crocheter, or fly tier, you will appreciate their usefulness.
Clover created the large size Wonder Clips a a quick-and-easy way to apply binding on quilts, holding without shifting the areas you couldn't slide a pin through, or holding fabrics you didn't want to pin. They are also good for clipping stacks of fabric, or pinching your snack bag closed so you can get back to your project. Stitchers found them and began using the Wonder Clips to hold canvas edges, or to hold part of a large canvas that is rolled up while not in use. Knitters and crocheters also saw the value of "clipping" rather than losing pins int their work, and started using the Wonder Clips too.
The new Mini Wonder Clips are a smaller version, ideal for smaller projects. Carol from Clover told us how she bought little magnets from a craft store, and put one on each clip to hold metal objects often used in sewing/stitching. Clip one to your lapel and let your needle rest there for a moment, for instance (better than sticking it the arm of your couch or chair). Take a look at the video of Carol showing her creative uses of the Mini Wonder Clips.

Kreinik distributes many Clover items, including the large and mini Wonder Clips. For more information, visit

Mini Wonder Clips
Jumbo Wonder Clips

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