New string art class at Kreinik

The next crafty, creative class at the Kreinik factory will be Saturday, May 5, 2018. Make this beautiful "You Are My Sunshine" string art design using Kreinik threads on barn wood. It makes a great Mother's Day gift, birthday present, or item for your own home. You'll love playing with interesting fibers. Here are all the details and link for reserving your spot:

You Are My Sunshine String Art Class

  • WHEN: May 5, 2018, 10 am
  • WHERE: Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., 1708 Gihon Road, Parkersburg WV 26101
  • COST: $40 per person which includes all materials
  • RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Purchase your ticket through the Kreinik website (paying by PayPal) here.

Let loose with string art fun

String art is back! From major art installations to cute home decor, string art—also known as thread art—adds textile fun, pops of color, and creative expressions to our world. If you're a stitcher, a string art project is a nice diversion from a more detailed WIP project. You get to play with your threads, create something gorgeous, and let your creativity free-flow for awhile. Ready for string art fun?

Here's one way to get started making string art: upcycle an inexpensive purchased string art design. Check home goods stores, craft stores, and antique stores. We found this cactus string art design at a TJ Maxx here in the USA, removed the boring plain yarn and replaced it with Kreinik metallic and glow-in-the-dark threads. (This is a quick and fun way to make a gift too.) Swapping out boring fibers for fun fibers takes minutes, no hammering or designing required, and your creation looks better than the original. 

What we used in this model:
  • Wild & Free cactus string art from TJ Maxx (from 
  • sharp embroidery scissors
  • One spool of Kreinik Micro Ice Chenille in Fern Green
  • One spool of Kreinik Tapestry #12 Braid in 053F glow-in-the-dark lime 

  1. Purchase a string art design from a craft store, home goods store, or antique store
  2. With the scissors, remove the plain yarn currently wrapped around the nails that are in place on the design.
  3. Start wrapping with the new, fun threads using Micro Ice Chenille first. Tie one end around a nail, then start “stringing” it, wrapping it around the other nails at diagonals, or as desired. When finished with that thread, tie the end in a knot around a nail. With your finger, push the chenille down the shaft of the nail slightly to give you room for the next thread.
  4. Use the other thread, the Tapestry #12 Braid in the same manner, on top of the Micro Ice Chenille.

For more information
The May 5 craft class at the Kreinik Factory Outlet will be a string art design. Follow Kreinik on Facebook for details and registration 

New fiber festival in Lancaster PA

If there's anything we all love more than making things with fiber, it's shopping for fibers, right?! Some of us are fortunate to have local needlework shops, while others don't have anything within driving distance. Forget the chain stores; they don't carry much at all. There's a wonderful world of threads, yarns, patterns, and teachers out there waiting to be seen in person (not just seen on your computer). That's why events like the new Lancaster Fiber Festival are so much fun.

Gather your crafty friends and make a summer road trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania this August for the weekend show. Organizers are dedicated to creating a fiber love fest for all techniques: knitting, crochet, quilting, sewing, Zentangle, embroidery, cross stitch, Temari, mixed media, art, everything. (How many people out there do more than one technique? Many!) There will be a shopping area, classes, and demonstrations. Kreinik will be there doing fun demos too. This looks to be a fun event for all ages.

Get the details here and make plans to visit the Lancaster Fiber Festival:

Side note for any fiber-related businesses

Consider becoming a vendor at the show. If you're a designer, shop, kitmaker, or teacher, this is a great opportunity to meet new customers, spread the word about your business, and make some money. Take your cross stitch patterns off Etsy for the weekend, show off a new tool, or bring your unique yarns to tactile life off your web page. There's no better way to boost business than to meet customers and potential customers face to face. We're a people industry; here's a terrific chance to foster those relationships. Vendor info here:

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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