Kreinik is heading to the TNNA Summer Trade Show

The National Needle Arts Association summer trade show is this coming weekend in Cleveland, Ohio, and Kreinik will be there with a fiber-filled booth. If you are a needlework related business — publisher, designer, teacher, manufacturer, retailer — we want to see you there! Get the show details from

The Kreinik booth will be quite literally overflowing with fibers for knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, felting, embroidery, Temari, Kumihimo, Swedish weaving, mixed media, needlepoint and more. You can't (and shouldn't!) miss us: we will be the ones showcasing a fabulous Parkersburg Yarn Bombing display from our hometown fiber artists. 

Show organizers also have classes and events designed to help us all learn more about our industry and individual fiber art techniques. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new friends. Put Kreinik booth #624 on your must-see list for TNNA's Summer Trade Show.

Start your Halloween stitching now

Tis the season! It may be summer outside here in the United States, but now is the time to get ready for Halloween—at least with your stitching projects. Pick up Hands On Design's new Scary Apothecary series for small, quick, fun-to-stitch-and-display projects. The designs have that clever Halloween sense of humor and a subtle sparkle thanks to Kreinik threads.

Designer Cathy Habermann just released the next three designs in the series: 

  • Cackle Lozenges "Shriek well"
  • Coffin Paint "After-lifetime warranty"
  • Cauldron Cleaner "With enhanced spell check" 

There will be nine designs in the entire series; you can stitch one, two, four, more, less or all. Another thing we love about this series: easy finishing. Cathy has supplied instructions for how she finished them, and you can do it at home. Don't use that as an excuse to wait until October to start stitching these designs though—get the patterns, threads and fabric now. Work on one a month and you'll be on your way to having your custom Halloween decorations ready. The designs make great gift-swaps too. 

The series uses nine Kreinik colors in Very Fine #4 Braid: 011HL, 242HL, 5510, 5815, 5013, 5535, 5720, 5545, 027. Print this list and use it to shop at your favorite needlework source, or online at

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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