Your chance to see Kreinik in person in 2020

Here is our tentative 2020 show and class schedule. More events and dates will be announced, so check back often. We hope to see you in person and share our passion for gorgeous, colorful, fun fibers! 

  • JANUARY 10: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk in Richmond, VA
  • JANUARY 11-12: Virginia Fly Fishing & Wine Festival, Doswell VA
  • FEBRUARY 15: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk at Stitch Stash Rehoboth Beach
  • FEBRUARY 22: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk at Hillside Needlepoint in Maryland
  • FEBRUARY 23: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk at Stitch Middleburg in Virginia
  • MARCH 6-8: Nashville Needlework Market trade show  
  • MARCH 20-23: Orlando Needlepoint Market trade show
  • APRIL 16-19: Chicago Miniature Show
  • APRIL 29: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk at The Needlepointer in Everett, WA
  • MAY 16: Doug Kreinik Threads Talk at The Village Sampler in St. Albans, WV
  • JUNE 27-JULY 5: closed for summer break
  • SEPTEMBER: Destination Dallas needlepoint trade show
  • OCTOBER 1-3: Kreinik Factory Outlet Store Tent Sale
  • OCTOBER 5-10: Fly fishing trade show in Denver
  • OCTOBER 21: Doug Kreinik Thread Talk at Needlepoint Clubhouse, Kirkwood, MO
  • DECEMBER 24: Closed for holiday break (dec 24-Jan 3)

Kreinik's 2019 holiday hours

The Kreinik factory, outlet and offices will be closed December 22, 2019 through January 1, 2020 so that our staff can spend the holidays with their family and friends. No threads will be made or shipped during that time. We recommend stocking up now so you won't run short on your favorite fibers. 

Top 3 embroidery scissors to give a stitcher this Christmas

Looking for a Christmas present for a stitcher? Pick any of these Italian scissors and they will be ecstatic! Each available in standard or serrated blades (which are good for cutting metallics).

X305 Premax® red handle 3.5" embroidery scissor. (ABOVE) This gorgeous color is only part of the quality here; the 'soft-touch' coating makes them non-slip.

X302CS Premax® 3 3/4" Curved Embroidery Scissors. (ABOVE) The red "eye" is part of the patented ring-lock system which means they will never loosen. Curved blades mean you can get closer to your stitching area, even when your work is in a hoop or frame.

X370LS Premax® 3 1/2" Left Hand Embroidery Scissors. (ABOVE) Every leftie needs a pair of scissors made just for them.

There are so many good scissors in the Premax® line, all made in Italy. Look for tiny embroidery scissors to fit in your travel case, large finger-hole scissors, double curved scissors (great for machine sewing), and more. Ask your favorite needlework shop for these terrific gifts, or visit

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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