Temporarily closed. Please stay home and stay well!

Hello to our customers and friends worldwide,

   We are temporarily closing our factory due to the Covid-19 outbreak as of 5 p.m. tomorrow, March 24. This is to protect our staff and community and per order of the West Virginia governor. We all need to follow officials’ warnings and stay home. 

   We are shipping everything we can to needlework businesses that are still doing mail order. We have staff at home that can answer your questions via email (info@kreinik.com) and social media. We are making arrangements to help our employees as much as possible while we are closed. We are already looking forward to reopening and making more Kreinik threads (including new colors). 

   What’s next? What’s going to happen if you can’t get Kreinik threads for awhile? Focus on the present: stay home, avoid contact with others, and stitch, tie flies, or sew from your stash (find those unfinished projects!). Experiment, get creative, switch colors, try something different, teach your roommates. Make lists of the Kreinik threads you'll need to restock. These activities will calm your nerves and pass the time until our communities can ensure that everyone is safe and healthy and that businesses can resume. 

   The most effective way to combat this coronavirus is to shelter in place. The best thing we can do to help health care workers, neighbors, and loved ones is to STAY HOME. It’s just for a little while. We can do it. We can all do it. 

   We love all of you and are so thankful to serve you as customers and friends. We'll be back making threads soon, but for now, let's keep in touch on social media. We would love to see what you're making with Kreinik threads.

   Doug Kreinik and staff
   Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc.

No factory tours right now

We are temporarily closing the Kreinik Factory Outlet store and suspending factory tours during the Coronavirus outbreak—JUST THE OUTLET STORE and TOURS. The factory is running, it's just not open to the public.
While we are fine and taking every step to protect our staff and facility as we continue to make threads, we encourage everyone to follow the CDC guidelines of social distancing right now. Stay home, be well, and stitch!

We are making threads 'round the clock. In fact, we have new colors to share with you very soon! Stay tuned here and on the Kreinik Facebook page for details. 

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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