Seeing red?

We have heard from some stitchers that 003L Robot Red may bleed onto light colored fabrics when washed. We suggest switching to one of our other red shades, or only using it in dark-colored designs. It's a great color, but not worth ruining a project.

It can still be used in fly fishing; look for small, mid-size and bulk skeins of Kreinik Flash for making lures. It also comes in our piping for making bodies.

New over-dyed Kreinik threads from Threadworx

New over-dyed Kreinik from Threadworx! These fabulous new colors debuted at the recent Nashville Needlework Market. Over-dyed Kreinik #4, #8, #12 Braid:

  • 10485 Forest Green
  • 10788 Glitter
  • 10795 Magenta
  • 11218 Antique
  • 11307 Purple Shimmer
  • 11570 Rich Chocolate
Ask your favorite needlework store for the new Threadworx/Kreinik colors.

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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