Easy way to add dimension to needlepoint
JulieMar shows us how to Hot-Wire
People have been asking us for years to put a wire into our threads so that they can form stand-out embellishments on their needlework. We created Hot-Wire™, a wired version of our Medium #16 Braid metallic, and have enjoyed seeing the creative way it is used in cross stitch, needlepoint, and quilting. In January, we partnered with the design company JulieMar to create custom Hot-Wire colors for one of their new canvases. Read on to hear how designer Patricia Dee of JulieMar used the unique fiber.
INTERVIEW WITH: Patricia Dee, owner of JulieMar Designs
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.juliemardesigns.com/
SPOTLIGHT CANVAS: Cala Lily (JulieMar #2112 – 2115)
SPOTLIGHT THREAD: Kreinik Wired Braid™
Q: Tell us how you got into the needlework business.
A: I’ve been doing various needle arts since I was a child. About 8 years ago I quit my full time job and started stitching with a vengeance. I was drawn to the plethora of fibers and stitching techniques available with Needlepoint, so that became my focus. In the fall of 2008 I purchased the JulieMar wholesale line and began designing my own canvases.
Q: We love the bright colors of your new Cala Lily canvas. What was the inspiration?
A: This particular design, a Single Cala Lily in 4 different color ways (JulieMar #2112 – 2115), was inspired by my love to use different stitches and fibers. Although beautiful, Julie’s traditional florals do not lend themselves to use of many stitches. I wanted a flower that would allow the stitcher to experiment with techniques and fiber. I also like 3 dimensional designs, so use of Wired Braid™ became essential to the design. The curve in the flower was perfect for wrapping the Wired Braid™ fiber, so that became my focus.
Q: How did you use the wired Kreinik thread, Wired Braid™?
A: In this piece, Kreinik Wired Braid™ fiber was used in 2 different ways. First, I wrapped the fiber, three different colors, around the curve of the flower. This ads dimension and emphasis. The quality and shine of the fiber also add elegance to the piece. Secondly, I used the fiber as a part of my finishing, rather than ribbon or braid. I used the 3 colors utilized in the piece, doubled them & braided them into a fishtail braid. This can also be made wider by using 3 strands of each color.
Q: Any tips or suggestions for stitchers wanting to try the wired metallic?
A: The key to using Kreinik Wired Braid™ is using a needle with a large eye. Use the blunt end of the needle, or a laying tool to widen the space between the stitches where placing the fiber. If possible, come from the top towards the bottom. If you’re having problems threading, trim a tiny piece and try again. Also, stitch the canvas underneath the Wired Braid™, preferably in a cotton or silk fiber. This will add height to the wired thread.
Q: Any other creative ideas for using the thread for needlepoint embellishments?
A: Kreinik Wired Braid™ can be used anytime you want to add dimension to a canvas. Outline the focal point, use it in the border, or add dimension to the inside of a flower (replace bullion stitches by wrapping the Wired Braid™ around a pencil for a curly spiral. I am also using it to create jewelry. I’m currently stitching one of my “Elegant Ladies”, Audrey’s Haut Couture, JulieMar #1004. Audrey has a beautiful comb in her hair, so I’m designing the comb out of the Wired Braid™ fibers. Again, I’m stitching the area in a basket weave using a similar colored fiber first. The Wired Braid™ jewelry goes on top to give it a three-dimensional look.
People have been asking us for years to put a wire into our threads so that they can form stand-out embellishments on their needlework. We created Hot-Wire™, a wired version of our Medium #16 Braid metallic, and have enjoyed seeing the creative way it is used in cross stitch, needlepoint, and quilting. In January, we partnered with the design company JulieMar to create custom Hot-Wire colors for one of their new canvases. Read on to hear how designer Patricia Dee of JulieMar used the unique fiber.
INTERVIEW WITH: Patricia Dee, owner of JulieMar Designs
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.juliemardesigns.
SPOTLIGHT CANVAS: Cala Lily (JulieMar #2112 – 2115)
SPOTLIGHT THREAD: Kreinik Wired Braid™
Q: Tell us how you got into the needlework business.
A: I’ve been doing various needle arts since I was a child. About 8 years ago I quit my full time job and started stitching with a vengeance. I was drawn to the plethora of fibers and stitching techniques available with Needlepoint, so that became my focus. In the fall of 2008 I purchased the JulieMar wholesale line and began designing my own canvases.
Q: We love the bright colors of your new Cala Lily canvas. What was the inspiration?
A: This particular design, a Single Cala Lily in 4 different color ways (JulieMar #2112 – 2115), was inspired by my love to use different stitches and fibers. Although beautiful, Julie’s traditional florals do not lend themselves to use of many stitches. I wanted a flower that would allow the stitcher to experiment with techniques and fiber. I also like 3 dimensional designs, so use of Wired Braid™ became essential to the design. The curve in the flower was perfect for wrapping the Wired Braid™ fiber, so that became my focus.
Q: How did you use the wired Kreinik thread, Wired Braid™?
A: In this piece, Kreinik Wired Braid™ fiber was used in 2 different ways. First, I wrapped the fiber, three different colors, around the curve of the flower. This ads dimension and emphasis. The quality and shine of the fiber also add elegance to the piece. Secondly, I used the fiber as a part of my finishing, rather than ribbon or braid. I used the 3 colors utilized in the piece, doubled them & braided them into a fishtail braid. This can also be made wider by using 3 strands of each color.
Q: Any tips or suggestions for stitchers wanting to try the wired metallic?
A: The key to using Kreinik Wired Braid™ is using a needle with a large eye. Use the blunt end of the needle, or a laying tool to widen the space between the stitches where placing the fiber. If possible, come from the top towards the bottom. If you’re having problems threading, trim a tiny piece and try again. Also, stitch the canvas underneath the Wired Braid™, preferably in a cotton or silk fiber. This will add height to the wired thread.
Q: Any other creative ideas for using the thread for needlepoint embellishments?
A: Kreinik Wired Braid™ can be used anytime you want to add dimension to a canvas. Outline the focal point, use it in the border, or add dimension to the inside of a flower (replace bullion stitches by wrapping the Wired Braid™ around a pencil for a curly spiral. I am also using it to create jewelry. I’m currently stitching one of my “Elegant Ladies”, Audrey’s Haut Couture, JulieMar #1004. Audrey has a beautiful comb in her hair, so I’m designing the comb out of the Wired Braid™ fibers. Again, I’m stitching the area in a basket weave using a similar colored fiber first. The Wired Braid™ jewelry goes on top to give it a three-dimensional look.