Frayed at the ends? That’s cool

Consider it “altered threads” — that is, intentionally fraying the end of a thread to create a unique texture. This works for making tassels, creating a fuzzy effect, replicating hair (yes, metallic hair), and other texture choices. Step one is to take your finger and tap the end of the thread to separate the strands. Alternately, you can use a straight pin or needle to gently pull apart the fibers.

If you are involved in card making, scrapbooking, collage, and other fiber art on paper, Kreinik iron-on-threads are the quickest way to add metallic thread embellishments. No stitching required. Here is how we made tassels by fraying the edges of the fusible ribbon fibers:

Fusible Tassel

  1. You will need: Kreinik Iron-on Ribbon, Kreinik Press Cloth, Home Iron or Craft iron turned on to the highest heat setting, straight pin or needle
  2. Cut a length of Kreinik Iron-on Ribbon. Lay thread onto scrap of cardboard.  Using a straight pin, gently comb through the ribbon to separate the fibres, creating a frayed effect.  Continue using a straight pin or an old toothbrush until both ends have been frayed approximately 1 1/4” (or desired length). Do not fray the entire piece of ribbon, just the edges.
  3. Lay the ribbon onto your cardstock or page. Fan threads out with a pin until desired effect is achieved.  Press with your hot iron, using the press cloth (either Kreink’s Adhesive Press Cloth or Non-Adhesive Press Cloth) to protect your iron plate.

Oh la la - French knitting with metallic threads

Do you need another gadget? Well, maybe… Take a look at this how-to video showing the newest tool from Clover.

At a recent trade show, we sat down with Carol Porter of Clover Needlecraft Inc to get a demonstration of how to use Kreinik metallic threads with their French Knitter apparatus. It seems like a marriage made in heaven - combine colorful fibers with a macrame-like tool (that will hold the thread for you), and you can create gorgeous jewelry. Add beads, and oh-my-goodness, you can really make stunning accessories.

It may take a few minutes to get into the rhythm of using the tool, but Carol assured us that once you start, you find it relaxing and "natural". Crafters, stitchers, and sewers are used to using their hands, methodically moving (as we multi-task, sometimes), and counting (let's not call it math), so there's a good chance we'll take to this. If you need to, run the video a few times to get the hang of it. You can also find the video on our YouTube channel:

We found that the bracelet Carol made with Kreinik 1/16" Ribbon in 026 purple was very soft. Many bead colors coordinate with Kreinik metallics naturally, so if you want to get a Clover French Knitter and start playing around, we suggest getting a spool of 1/16" Ribbon (or using some leftover material from another project).

Do you need another gadget? Maybe so — if not, we bet a teen girl in your life would love this.

The Clover French Knitter, in stores now.
Kreinik metallic threads, in stores since 1972.

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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