Make room for new colors

Kreinik makes anywhere from 2 to 250 colors each in 28 different metallic thread types. That comes out to be…let's calculate…(250 x 6) + 81 + (103 x 2) + 39 + 88 +…well, that's lots of colors. That is a lot for a shop to have to stock, and no wonder we keep adding more shelves and re-arranging at the manufacturing plant. It is time to clean up that color list so that the selection stays fresh with new colors (like the six we introduced to retailers last month, coming soon to stores near you!) plus improve production by not making low-demand colors. 

So in the Kreinik metallic thread range, a short list of low-demand shades will be designated "special order" colors as of Spring 2014. Technically, that means a minimum order to schedule production will be 250 meters (or 25 of our 10m spools). Simply stated, we won't keep them stocked on the shelf or make new until we get an order of at least 25 spools.  

Don't panic! These aren't discontinued colors. We have many of these made and ready to be spooled, ordered and shipped. If you have a design using any on the list, simply check with us to see if stock remains, to see if there is a substitute, or to schedule production (minimum quantity 250 meters). 

"This is very hard," said Doug Kreinik. "Many of these colors are my "babies" and were created in the early years of the company." It is difficult to balance: designers and stitchers want many colors, while shops and distributors can't carry an infinite amount. We decided it was time to update store planograms by removing colors that haven't really sold in years (we're looking at you, 034 Confetti) and focus on better, most-requested shades.

A few colors were discontinued several years ago, as we can no longer get the raw material to make them, and they are on this list as well: 4002, 4003, 4004, 4006, 056F, 057F. When these spools are gone, we cannot make more. The remaining colors on the list can be made with a minimum order of 250 meters, or 25 (10-meter) spools. If they are some of your personal favorites or are in a current project, we recommend purchasing them now so you won't be delayed later.

In Kreinik #4, #8, #12, #16, #24, #32 BRAIDS plus 1/16" and 1/8" RIBBONS, these are the Special-Order colors:

034 Confetti
041 Confetti Pink
042 Confetti Fuchsia
043 Confetti Green
070 Mardi Gras
195 Sunburst
235 Red Ember
271 Plum
308 Colonial Red
393 Silver Night
664 Magenta Blue
3240 Opal
3508 Rhumba Green
3509 Cha Cha Verde
3540 Bolero Black
4002 Spiced Chai
4003 Ginseng Gold
4004 Earl Grey
4006 Rosehip
5002 Pixiedust
5004 Love Potion
5007 Brocade
5008 Leprechaun
5525 Lemon
5530 Rosemary Green
9300 Orchid
2094HL Heather Hi Lustre
056F Blueberry
057F Grape
003C Red Corded
005C Black Corded
007C Pink Corded
008C Green Corded
011C Nickel Corded
012C Purple Corded
032C Pearl Corded
034C Confetti Corded
041C Confetti Pink Corded
051C Sapphire Corded
104C Colonial Gold Corded
208C Wine Corded
225C Slate Corded
088C Lily Pond Corded

Contact us if you have any questions. See swatches of Kreinik thread colors in the Threads section on and via the helpful Find-A-Color tool We are always interested in your requests for new colors or new threads, so please share your wants, wishes and suggestions.

New From Nashville Market

Counted thread designer Praiseworthy Stitches dropped off a new design to Kreinik at TNNA Nashville 2014.  The new design is called "Carols on the Square".  

Here is their description:
It’s the town’s Christmas Eve celebration and it is already underway!  See the snow is falling- the skaters are flying round and round the pond while the carolers are singing all their favorite carols!  Everyone will be thrilled to see Santa and his reindeers appear!  Look! Can you see Rudolph is in the lead?  It is the perfect Christmas night!

The design uses Kreinik Blending Filament in 5750, 015 and 003HL. 

For more information about Praiseworthy Stitches and to check out all of their great designs visit or visit their new blog at

Also look for "Cassiopeia" #131 by Mirabilia Designs.  This design features Kreinik Very Fine #4 Braid in 002HL, 027 and 052F.

For more information visit

Free Valentine's Day projects

Stitched Memory Heart
We can't help but be tempted by dollar store items — so cheap, and so bare; they just need a little tender-loving embellishment. This month's free Kreinik website projects feature $1 items (from Target and craft stores) transformed into gorgeous embellished gifts and home decor. Use them for Valentine's day, anniversaries, or just to share some love any time of the year. 

The secret lies within the metallic threads, which dress up any design. Start with the inexpensive base item, add layers of personalization and embroidery (or faux embroidery, as in the case with Kreinik iron-on threads, shh…), and you get impressive results and creative satisfaction. All of these projects are designed to be quick but meaningful and gorgeous. Enjoy!

  • Embellished Valentine's Day Cards feature robot stickers, adhesive crystals and silver iron-on threads
  • Crochet Hearts out of Kreinik Heavy Braid can be made one evening while you're watching the Olympics and appliqued onto anything
  • Iron-on Heart Garland is as easy at it gets: outline stamped images with fusible threads
  • Embroidery 101 is perfect for teaching youngsters how to do basic cross stitch and backstitch, while decorating a pretty hand towel
  • Heart Wreath transforms little felt hearts and a Styrofoam circle into pretty-in-pink fiber art (use this concept to make all kinds of seasonal decor)
  • Cross Stitch Memory Heart combines stitches of kisses with a photo (add other mementos for more personalization)
  • Heart Office Supplies shows you what to do with those open-grid desk sets: stitch on them!
Iron-On Robot Valentines
Crochet Hearts
Heart Wreath
Heart Garland

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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