What to stitch on silk gauze
We get a lot of inquiries about silk gauze, a fine needlepoint canvas made of pure silk. It looks intriguing…it has been used in needlework for centuries…but what can you do with it? Many charted designs for needlepoint and cross stitch can be stitched on silk gauze with minor adjustments in thread size or stitches depending on gauze size. But let's start with a simpler plan…
If you are a beginner to needlepoint, start with a very basic, simple pattern, like the rose in the Kreinik Silk Gauze Rose kit, available at Kreinik.com.
If you already know how to do needlepoint — if you are an intermediate to advanced stitcher — then the easiest way to learn silk gauze embroidery is with a class. If your local needlework store doesn't offer a class, the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG) has something for you at this year's seminar. Designer and teacher Orna Willis, who creates stunning silk gauze designs, will be teaching "The Village I Built" on silk gauze. Here is a link to the seminar page where you can become a member of ANG* and sign up for the class here.
(*Not a member of ANG? If you are a needlepointed, consider it…classes from amazing designers, access to expert knowledge and camaraderie with people who share your passion will inspire you all year long. See www.needlepoint.org for details.)