3 Gifts That Give Back

There seems to be two types of Christmas gift-givers: 1. Those who express their love and friendship by picking out just the right thing to match a person's uniqueness, personality, interests. And 2. Those who hate shopping and just need to find something good for a present. Hugs to both kinds of people, because the search can be a challenge for either. We're here to help with three easy gift ideas that also give back to the community—a win-win for giver, recipient, and others.

These three gift ideas are unique (colorful and fun), useful (something you can use every day), and help others (back story below…): shoelaces, lanyards, and eyeglass strings, all made with Kreinik's durable, colorful fibers. Yes, the same threads you use in needlework and fly fishing make great accessories. 

Here are more details:

1. SHOELACES come in metallic or glow-in-the-dark colors, in lengths to fit children and adults, from little shoes to tall boots. Washable, featuring metal aglets at the tips. Click here to see the colors and purchase.

2. LANYARDS keep keys, badges, even embroidery scissors nearby. We use silk, a durable, strong fiber that produces beautiful color. If you have to wear a badge for work or school, make it gorgeous, classy, or spirited. Click here to see the colors and purchase.

3. EYEGLASS STRINGS made of Kreinik's strong silk threads mean those spectacles won't get lost, plus you'll look good while wearing them around your neck. The silk feels so good against your skin. Click here to see the colors and purchase.

What''s so special about these shoelaces, lanyards, and eyeglass strings? A range of shades means you can match any outfit, team color, or personality. The shoelaces even come in glow-in-the-dark options. Metallic combinations bring a smile to the face without being overly glittery—but you can go that route if you choose; just take a look at all the options on our website www.kreinik.com.

Also, a portion of each sale goes to suicide prevention, drug addiction, and grief counseling programs. These items were designed in memory of Charles Kreinik, who took his life after battling depression and addiction. Company owner Doug and his wife Myla wanted to create a product out of Kreinik fibers that would be beautiful, useful, fun, and raise money to help others. You will be honoring someone you know who took their life, or helping others in similar situations, with each purchase. 

Thank you for sharing something positive and spreading love through these gifts. Be sure to share photos of your friends and family wearing them!

How to create a fund-raising Christmas tree

This time of year, charities look for ways to raise funds for needy families or community organizations. Creating a Christmas tree, decked out with handmade ornaments, is one way to do that—and get a group involved in crafting fun. Here's how we made the charity "tree" shown in photos here.

Each year, the Kreinik staff gathers around one of our big work tables in the silk department to make holiday ornaments. It's not just a holiday party (although cookies from a favorite local bakery are involved), and not just a way to play with Kreinik threads. We make ornaments and decorate a tree that will be auctioned off for charity by the local Easter Seals organization. While it's fun to make the project, it's even more exciting to see how much money is raised through the auction. Everyone wins.

This year's ornaments featured a few crafty techniques (look for full instructions on our 25 Days of Free Christmas Projects calendar on the Kreinik website this month). We covered foam balls with double-sided tape, wrapped Kreinik metallic threads around them, then covered the remaining areas with shiny beads. In another project, we wrapped metallic threads around pine cones. Metallics are such an easy way to dress up any craft item, and add that holiday sparkle. Look for Kreinik 1/8" Ribbon and Heavy #32 Braid, two of our thickest metallics, for the prettiest punch.

Our ornaments were set into metal trays, which we decorated with Kreinik Micro Ice Chenille (one of our fly fishing products). The design makes a lovely centerpiece for a table, foyer, or mantle. Doug Kreinik claims the concept heralds from the olden days."Yes, the Italian Pan Tree was a popular table decoration used towards the end of the 19th century. I think it came from the Trieste Region of  Italy," Doug recalls. "The Pan Tree was frequently created from discarded olive oil pails filled with boughs from the Alps, decorative balls, a tradition of eastern Italy and pine cones, the national fruit of Albania. The Pan Tree's small size enabled them to be placed on tables festooned with small gifts for children."

The whole project is a fun way to spend some time crafting, plus make something that benefits the local community. Great idea—take it and run with it to raise money in your own area.

Happy holidays to everyone.

60 ways to use the new Kreinik pearls

Three new gorgeous metallic thread colors debuted this fall: 1232HL Lavender Pearl, 2132HL Copper Pearl, and 5013 Plum Berry, available in Kreinik Braid sizes. Did you pick up your set? If not, get thee to your nearest needlework store and add them to your stash! No store? You can pick up a pack here: http://www.kreinik.com/shops/2016-New-Colors.html

2132HL Copper Pearl
1232HL Lavender Pearl

We added these shades to fill in some color families within the Kreinik metallic thread line. People are always asking for a color with more of a shade in it, such as the famous pearl color; "I need pearl, but with more copper…" or "Can we get a pearl to go with the green-tinted pearl?" The two new shades seem to be fitting in nicely, based on the fabulous responses we got when we asked Kreinik fans, "Where would you use them?"

Here are 60 ideas from stitchers for using the new Kreinik pearl colors in needlework designs (idea credits are listed after each one):

  1. Santa's beard and the white trim on his coat (Nancy W.)
  2. Water…reflections (margdierembroidery)
  3. Ice cream (needlepointforfun)
  4. Cement and cinder blocks (jacquelynroyal)
  5. Magic light! (tatianakostenko)
  6. Christmas snow (Wendy S.)
  7. Snow-covered trees for added sparkle (Erica K.)
  8. To give the moon a sheen (Erica K.)
  9. Halo, wings, trim on an angel (Helen O.)
  10. Stitch a cake and use it for the icing (Helen O.)
  11. Snowflakes, angel wings, stars, a moon, Santa ornaments, water in a glass (Pat M.)
  12. White background of a kimono design (Nancy F.)
  13. Rain, snow or clouds (April W.)
  14. On Peter Ashe"s Timberline lodge needlepoint ornament on Mt Hood - to get the purple mountain majesty (Ursula H.)
  15. Dragon's wing, angel's wing, fairy wings (Emma S., Karen J.)
  16. Highlight the light hitting clouds in the sky (Mikel O.)
  17. Snow, rain, fire, stars, gems, lace and angel wings (Annie W.)
  18. As a delicate crocheted edge on a knitted or crocheted scarf (Barbara V.)
  19. Make the wings of macaws look sun-kissed (Debbie H.)
  20. Christmas ornaments and Easter projects (Connie G. and April S.)
  21. Christmas stockings (Marla C. and Cyndi F.)
  22. Any dragonfly design (Squiffy L. and Yvonne H.)
  23. The lavender pearl to add sparkle in Santa's eyes and the copper added to the strands of brown for the reindeer (Pam M.)
  24. Great sheep colors (Kd B.)
  25. As the crests/foaming of waves (Marla K.)
  26. Santa's beard, snow (Sheila I.)
  27. Snow (Carol E., Angela G., Lucille H. and Anne H.)
  28. Snowman scene and snowman ornaments (Donna S.,Tina H. and Anne E.)
  29. As accents or stars in a night sky or setting sun, or as the reflection of the sun in a body of water (Christine P.)
  30. Snow, angel wings, trim on hats and scarves (Karen O.)
  31. As an over wrap on a beautiful yarn (Sara H.)
  32. Christmas ornaments (Katie E. and Terry P. and Beth M.)
  33. Accent harvest moons (Susan S.)
  34. Temari designs (Ginny T.)
  35. On a Christmas canvas that needs to be started (Margaret R.)
  36. Snow, clouds, stars, trim on Santa and Mrs. Claus' clothing (Pat W.)
  37. On Mirabilia's Snow Queen (Madge G.)
  38. Easter egg designs (Deby B.)
  39. For a moon (Paula C.)
  40. Accents on fairy wings (Jess M., Monica D., Elizabeth B. and Teresa B.)
  41. Bee wings (Bev F.)
  42. Snow scenes, fur, beards on Santa (Pam J.)
  43. Lavender pearl should definitely be blended with silk for appropriate flowers (Betty D.)
  44. Snow, icing on cupcakes, bride's dresses, christening gowns (stitched ones as well as real ones) (Jackie M.)
  45. Any project done on black canvas (Susan C. and Heather G.)
  46. Accentuate dark colours, for angel ornaments (Eileen L.)
  47. Add sparkle to white horses (Corine V.)
  48. Joined with a lovely fine yarn and crocheted (Kristi R.)
  49. In bobbin lace bookmarks to add lovely sparkle (Michelle L.)
  50. The Victoria Sampler design Wedding Sampler (Wendy W.)
  51. Copper Pearl to accent on Judaic canvases (Donna B.)
  52. Santa's beard awaits (Christine W.)
  53. On hand embroidered purses (Diana P. and Lida R.)
  54. On any Laura J. Perrin canvaswork design (Wendy W.)
  55. For the four horsemen on the HAED design (Tanya W.)
  56. Tatting a beautiful necklace with mother of pearl (Catherine P.)
  57. Shadows on Snow (Carole J.)
  58. Copper pearl on fall designs (Wendy W.)
  59. For shading of snow, glitter on trees, ornaments, flowers, anywhere I want (Sallie M.)
  60. Anywhere and everywhere (Denise H.)

Kreinik: Embroidery thread to the stars

If the action on HBO's "Game of Thrones" gets bloody crazy, focus on the costumes for a minute—can you spot the Kreinik threads? One of the designers, Michele Carragher, uses Kreinik metallics for embroidery on some of the costumes.

It's exciting to work with super-talented Michele, and even more exciting to see the same threads you use for your needlepoint/cross-stitch/embroidery featured on an actor or actress. Back in August, we rushed some to the set in Northern Ireland for emergency costume embroidery. Unfortunately, we can't show photos of this season's costumes due to legal reasons, but Michele says they are just as spectacular as in past seasons. The thread (our 3/8" Trim) "was for something special, so will be worth the wait‎," Michele said.

In the meanwhile, to satisfy our craving for embroidery on the big screen, Michele shares this link to a film she worked on and used Kreinik threads. It is called "Queen of the Desert," released in 2015 starring Nicole Kidman. Michele worked on ball gowns and corsages for Nicole's character in the film. Just think: Kreinik threads on Nicole Kidman!

Take a look at the photos of the Thistle Ball Gown for the gorgeous costume and details. Click here for more details on show she made the gowns in the film: http://www.michelecarragherembroidery.com/Queen-of-the-Desert-Gallery(3035276).htm

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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