Important production and color news

To our valued stitchers, creators and fly fishing enthusiasts,

2020 has been the most out-of-the-ordinary year of our collective lives. The pandemic created regulations and upheaval on every level: economic, medical, social, personal, national, international. It has been devastating for people and small businesses. Kreinik is still here because of two factors: 1. You; and 2. Our staff. Strengthened by your patience and their dedication, Kreinik is determined to get us all through 2020 and thriving in 2021 in the best possible way.

With that goal, we are enacting an extraordinary—but temporary—measure. For the next eight weeks, we are only making the top 60 to 80 colors in Kreinik #4, #8, and #12 Braid lines.

We know that limiting the colors in production sounds drastic, and some people won’t be able to get some colors temporarily, but we need to catch up. We need to dedicate all production machines to in-demand colors. Shops need to get the most popular colors restocked. Our staff needs some pressure relief. This will do it.

The limit on color production does not apply to silk threads, Blending Filament, Medium #16 Braid, Canvas #24 Braid, 1/8” Ribbon, 1/16” Ribbon, Ombre, Micro Ice Chenille, Facets, or Japan Threads. It applies only to Very Fine #4 Braid, Fine #8 Braid, and Tapestry #12 Braid for the next eight weeks.

What can you do if you are in desperate need of a color that we aren’t producing right now? There are several solutions:
  • Many retailers have stock of these “odd” colors, so search online, or contact us for names of shops that do mail order.
  • Join one of the needlework or fly fishing groups on Facebook, Reddit, or other social media, and ask if someone has the color you need. Many people are willing to trade, give, or sell. There are also retailers in these groups who may see the post.
  • Consider substituting with a similar color in the line. In the next week, we will share on our social media several conversion lists that may help. 
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. When we are caught up, we will return to making our full color line. While our facility is closed to the public right now, we hope to restore factory tours and reopen the outlet store in 2021. 

Doug Kreinik

A bit of bad thread news...

We are out of stock of Micro Ice Chenille in 221 Gold and 003 Red. Unfortunately, we may not be able to make it in the future due to a manufacturing problem. If you are mid-project, make sure you have enough to finish.

If you need more to finish a project:

  • Check with needlework or fly fishing shops to see if they have any remaining stock
  • Check with needlework or fly fishing groups on Facebook, Reddit, and other social media to see if anyone has some and is willing to swap or sell
We sincerely apologize for having to discontinue an item, especially something as fun as red or gold in this fabulous fuzzy thread. We will let you know if we can work out the issues and bring them back. In the meanwhile, we do have other colors in Micro Ice Chenille. Click here for the list.

"I need Balger, which thread is it?"

"I need the Balger, which thread is it?" We get this inquiry a lot, especially now during the pandemic as people are stitching older projects from their stash.

Balger was the name we used for our metallic thread line back in the 1970s/1980s. Today we have about 20 different threads in that line, but back then the number was much smaller. If your design uses that old term "Balger," we know it's probably Blending Filament, Cord, or #8 Braid. In order to figure out which of these three threads your project may be calling for, we need to look at how the thread is being used in the design.

If you have an older project — particularly a cross stitch project — check your chart or pattern for these potentially identifying factors:

  • Is the Balger color meant to be combined with cotton floss? If so, it is probably Blending Filament.
  • Is the Balger color meant to be used by itself, for a bolder look? It is probably Fine #8 Braid.
  • Does the Balger color have a "C" in the color number? It is our thin Cord.
Of course, if you're having any trouble identifying a Kreinik thread from old, you can also email us and we'll do our best to figure it out together.

Keep in mind that some colors have been discontinued over the years. Here's a list of those colors:

Update from Doug Kreinik


To our customers and stitchers worldwide, 

We apologize for the length of time it is taking to fill orders right now. We were closed during the early days of the pandemic, which put us behind, and now we have a smaller crew due to the pandemic. We are shipping as fast as possible, running our thread-making machines 15+ hours a day, with staff working overtime. If we exhaust our staff, they could become ill, so we are watching out for them. 

We are also being cautious about hiring extra staff because we do not know where they have been and if they have been exposed to COVID. One sick person and we would have to close, and that is what we are protecting against. So, yes, it is taking longer, but we are producing, and plan to stay that way by being careful. 

We are working hard and shipping times are improving with each week. Thank you so much for your patience. Stay safe and healthy.

Regards, Doug Kreinik

New! Supersoft elastic for making masks

Kreinik is excited to announce that we are now making elastic, which is in great need during this mask-wearing time. We have two types: flat elastic (in two sizes) and round elastic (in one size).

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, the Kreinik factory had to close per government mandate. As we all quarantined and started making masks, we quickly saw a need for elastic. Doug Kreinik and our chief engineer started modifying one of our ribbon-making machines and re-rigged it to make elastic. Our first customer was the West Virginia National Guard. We now have it available on our website. As we build up stock, we will be able to sell wholesale on a larger level. We use a wonderful nylon/poly blend that is softer on people's ears. 

  • poly/nylon blend (no latex)
  • cone contains 50 yards
  • 3 to 1 stretch, so you don't have to use as much on a mask
  • flat elastic comes in 1/8" and 1/4" widths
  • round elastic is about 3/32" diameter

Update on thread production

The Kreinik factory is back operating, with modifications designed for the safety of our staff (distancing, sanitizing, shifts to reduce number of people in the building at a time). Since we were closed for a month, and shipped out everything we had on the shelves before closing, it will take at least a month to get threads made and shelves restocked—especially the most popular colors like gold, silver, pearl etc. 

We ask for your patience during this time and appreciate your business and your interest in our threads. We know that many retailers are out of Kreinik threads, but we are working as hard and as quickly as we can to get orders out to everyone. 

The outlet store is still closed and we are not allowing any visitors to the factory. The outlet store tent sale (usually in October) will not be held this year.

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

We miss you already, Frank

We lost a good human on Friday: Frank Bielec. Such a nice man, and so creative, talented, encouraging, funny, genuine. He and his wife Judy had a cross stitch design company years ago called Mosey N Me. In his honor, here's one of their free charts made for Kreinik thread fans: Click on the link to download the pattern. 

RIP Frank. We miss you terribly. Much love to Judy, Matt, and all of Frank's friends and family.

Seeing red?

We have heard from some stitchers that 003L Robot Red may bleed onto light colored fabrics when washed. We suggest switching to one of our other red shades, or only using it in dark-colored designs. It's a great color, but not worth ruining a project.

It can still be used in fly fishing; look for small, mid-size and bulk skeins of Kreinik Flash for making lures. It also comes in our piping for making bodies.

New over-dyed Kreinik threads from Threadworx

New over-dyed Kreinik from Threadworx! These fabulous new colors debuted at the recent Nashville Needlework Market. Over-dyed Kreinik #4, #8, #12 Braid:

  • 10485 Forest Green
  • 10788 Glitter
  • 10795 Magenta
  • 11218 Antique
  • 11307 Purple Shimmer
  • 11570 Rich Chocolate
Ask your favorite needlework store for the new Threadworx/Kreinik colors.

Temporarily closed. Please stay home and stay well!

Hello to our customers and friends worldwide,

   We are temporarily closing our factory due to the Covid-19 outbreak as of 5 p.m. tomorrow, March 24. This is to protect our staff and community and per order of the West Virginia governor. We all need to follow officials’ warnings and stay home. 

   We are shipping everything we can to needlework businesses that are still doing mail order. We have staff at home that can answer your questions via email ( and social media. We are making arrangements to help our employees as much as possible while we are closed. We are already looking forward to reopening and making more Kreinik threads (including new colors). 

   What’s next? What’s going to happen if you can’t get Kreinik threads for awhile? Focus on the present: stay home, avoid contact with others, and stitch, tie flies, or sew from your stash (find those unfinished projects!). Experiment, get creative, switch colors, try something different, teach your roommates. Make lists of the Kreinik threads you'll need to restock. These activities will calm your nerves and pass the time until our communities can ensure that everyone is safe and healthy and that businesses can resume. 

   The most effective way to combat this coronavirus is to shelter in place. The best thing we can do to help health care workers, neighbors, and loved ones is to STAY HOME. It’s just for a little while. We can do it. We can all do it. 

   We love all of you and are so thankful to serve you as customers and friends. We'll be back making threads soon, but for now, let's keep in touch on social media. We would love to see what you're making with Kreinik threads.

   Doug Kreinik and staff
   Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc.

No factory tours right now

We are temporarily closing the Kreinik Factory Outlet store and suspending factory tours during the Coronavirus outbreak—JUST THE OUTLET STORE and TOURS. The factory is running, it's just not open to the public.
While we are fine and taking every step to protect our staff and facility as we continue to make threads, we encourage everyone to follow the CDC guidelines of social distancing right now. Stay home, be well, and stitch!

We are making threads 'round the clock. In fact, we have new colors to share with you very soon! Stay tuned here and on the Kreinik Facebook page for details. 

Embroidery on photographs is our new favorite fiber art

The hot trend of stitching on photographs is a blend of two exciting mediums: visual art and fiber art. Photos are a refreshing base material for stitchers who want to further express their love for embroidery and for making images come to life.

Get inspired with the designs of Janet Dey

Friends in the Toronto area, check out this fabulous exhibit: Designer Janet Dey uses Kreinik threads in her fun, expressive, fascinating contemporary art. She hand-embroiders on enlarged modern prints of vintage photographs.

"It is a delight to work with the threads," Janet says. We love how the gold Kreinik Braid adds a dimensional effect and a touch of light, while keeping with the gorgeous vintage color schemes of the photographs. If you aren't in the Toronto area, you can still get inspired by checking out the gallery's website here,, or this site featuring more of Janet's work:

About the exhibit

The Stephen Bulger Gallery is an art gallery in Toronto, Canada. If you live in the area, keep an eye on their schedule for other inspiring creative exhibits. Here are the details on the Janet Dey exhibit:

  • Exhibition Dates: February 22 – March 14, 2020
  • Artist Talk with Janet Dey: Saturday, February 22, 4pm
  • Public Reception: Saturday, February 22, 2 – 5pm
The gallery is pleased to present an exhibition in the Reading Room of work by Janet Dey featuring her series entitled “Magic”. The exhibition is on in conjunction with “Illusions: The Art of Magic” on display at the Art Gallery of Ontario from February 22 – May 18, 2020.

In “Magic”, Dey draws attention to well-known magicians who charmed and captivated audiences, and whose stories have been retold time and time again. Compelled by their dark and mysterious minds, Dey hand-embroiders on enlarged modern prints of vintage photographs. Every stitch and knot in Dey’s design embellishes or further hides the identity of the subjects. Often masking entire faces leaving only their eyes visible, the work takes on a new story, a vision told from Dey’s perspective and left for the viewer to discover. The final artwork is unique, designed to last another several lifetimes. A rebellion against time.

The source photographs are from the collection of David Ben, writer, stage magician, performer, and magic collector.

Photos from the Stephen Bulger Gallery

Dye lot change coming to Kreinik metallic thread color 015

Plan accordingly! Kreinik color 015 Chartreuse is going to have a slight change in dye lot during the next production run in 2020. If you are mid project, make sure you have enough of the current dye lot.  

A few things you can do to find old spools:

  1. Contact needlework shops to see if they have old stock
  2. Contact stitchers through Reddit, Facebook groups or other social media to see if they have an old spool and are willing to part with it or swap for something

Speaking of dye lots...

We have had a flurry of stitchers calling in a panic lately, mid project, looking for old dye lots. Sometimes we can find an old spool, but more often than not, we can't match it. Always, always, always make sure you have enough of a current dye lot — in any thread, yarn or even fabric — when you start your project. 

This is especially important if you:

  • purchase needlework threads from a discount store or second-hand store
  • inherit someone's stitching stash
  • purchase from a shop going out of business or other clearance sale
  • buy needlework supplies from an estate sale
All manufacturers try to keep dye lots as close as possible, but sometimes it's inevitable. Minimize any stress by making sure you have enough to finish your project. 

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News direct from thread maker Kreinik Mfg. Co., Inc., located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Visit our factory outlet store when you are in the area; call for hours 1-800-537-2166.

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