I just got back from Russia. Wow, I saw the Kremlin, the traffic, ate
great food and had a couple of shots of the Russian national drink
(Vodka). I saw “Big Mac” and “Burger King” written in Cyrillic. I saw
two guys made up to look like Stalin and Lenin sitting outside the
Kremlin, saw the largest bell in the world and, again saw lots of

My distributor in Russia had invited me to come and give classes to shop
owners and staff at her facility in Moscow. We created a complete,
colorful, photo-packed Power Point presentation for me to use, and I
tried it, I really did, but soon gave up and did my regular,
off-the-cuff, touchy feely, show-and-tell class. It is always fun to
watch the expressions in my classes to see people understand all of the
different ways Kreinik products can be used. At one point, I was asked
to stop talking; a group of individuals had become so emotional over
choices and possibilities that they needed time to absorb. These shop
owners were so excited; it made the class even more special to me. To
see someone realize the amazing creative possibilities of thread,
reaching that level of understanding, bringing them “outside of the box”
has always been my favorite point of conversation.
Here are some pictures of shops in the Moscow vicinity and some of the
historical sites about town. If you go to Moscow, make sure that you
visit the Kremlin museum and see the crown jewels, the clothing worn by
Peter the Great and Catherine, and the many albs and robes worn by the
leaders of the Eastern Orthodox Church. One fascinating point I learned
was that the Red Square name has nothing to do with the former Soviet
State, but rather red in Russian means “beautiful”.

My four days are now a memory, but I am looking forward to returning.
Photo album can be seen on Kreinik's Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150742732450940.388817.104419880939&type=1 or
By Doug Kreinik